Hi! I am Eleonora, I come from Italy and I am a dancer. In this blog i would like to make you aware of the hole world of dance
Dance Origins
The observation of rituals and festivals that take place in villages now rare in Amazonia and Oceania, where some people still live in primitive conditions, confirmed what was easy to imagine : Dance is one of the oldest forms of human expression.
It was born as a spontaneous reaction of the individual to joyful or sad events of the daily life, such as the killing of prey or the death of a member of the family. Dance, sometimes accompanied by sounds, is also one of the first event of social life, a way to establish contact and to be in tune with the other members of the group. With the succession of generations and the formation of larger communities, instinctive movements started to be encoded in repeatable sequences. From the easiest forms of dance , such as turning in circles, cluster and dissolve, jump in time to the rhythm of the drums , it moved to increasingly complex forms.
While dances of primitives men are mostly related on magic and rituals, so they get in contact with the mysterious forces that dominate nature, dance of Ancient Greek are often the means to express heroic and mythological episodes.
Even in Roman times there were dance performances mainly pantomimes. During the Middle Ages - in spite of the hostility of the Roman Church against all forms of presentation of the body - dance and pantomime are often inserted into shows that take place on the streets . Around the 13th century, dances of death widespreaded, they were representations in which a character representing death leads a human ring with priests, nobles and poors.